I rejoiced with those who said to me "Let us go to the house of the lord"

Psalm 122:1


We invite you to join us as we fellowship together as the family of God,
grow in the faith and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and become true worshippers -- worshipping the Father in spirit and in truth.

Music Director Opening

Rock Creek Baptist Church seeks a music minister for our Southern Baptist church in Nashville NC. Duties include but are not limited to: leading music during Sunday morning and other special services, recruiting and directing choir members, leading practices, working alongside the Pastor and other leadership of the church for the stewardship, administration, and execution of God focused worship. Please send inquiries to pastortravis@rockcreekbaptist.net

Latest Sermon

You'll find the latest messages here

Service Times

Sunday Mornings



No studies for Christmas right now, check back when we announce our next one!

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A few things we've been up to lately

From 2023
From left to right: Our Christmas bazaar with just a few of our outdoor vendors in the background.
David, Austin, Glenda, and Clair lighting the Advent candle
Our July kayaking trip