Prayer Requests March 12th 2025
Sylvia McCollum surgery 27th gall bladder
Sherril - cyst taken off wrist and carpal tunnel surgery after that. Numbness
Kay - surgery outpatient for removal of polyp on 25th of March Duke Raleigh
Jerry Harris - Had a successful Cardio version
Hamm Family - cat is in congested heart failure
George Staton - hernia surgery April 8th in Charlotte
Thaxton - dime sized cancer in lungs
shared by Gene
Larry - cancer
Loleattas son
Margaret Jeffries daughter recovering from hip surgery
Betty Sullivan's daughter dealing with numbness in legs
Recovery for Jordan's wrist surgery
Sherril - cyst taken off wrist and carpal tunnel surgery after that. Numbness
Kay - surgery outpatient for removal of polyp on 25th of March Duke Raleigh
Jerry Harris - Had a successful Cardio version
Hamm Family - cat is in congested heart failure
George Staton - hernia surgery April 8th in Charlotte
Thaxton - dime sized cancer in lungs
shared by Gene
Larry - cancer
Loleattas son
Margaret Jeffries daughter recovering from hip surgery
Betty Sullivan's daughter dealing with numbness in legs
Recovery for Jordan's wrist surgery
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